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Welcome to WASA 2024

In the modern automotive landscape, the integration of software and electronics has catalyzed innovations that enhance safety, security, driver experience, and vehicular automation. As the horizon of innovation expands, encompassing developments like self-adaptive algorithms and sophisticated driving automation, the quest for fully autonomous vehicles intensifies. This surge in software dependency has precipitated a paradigmatic shift, necessitating automotive companies to harness architectural and model-based development techniques. While model-based tools and methodologies are gaining traction as standard languages and tools for crafting automotive control software, broader system and software architecture methodologies remain less universally embraced. A notable exception is the AUTOSAR standard, which delineates the lexicon for designing and configuring automotive software architectures and demarcates principal architectural constituents of automotive systems.

This workshop is dedicated to confronting challenges associated with refining and standardizing automotive system/software architecture and engineering techniques for broader industry acceptance. In alliance with the International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA) - a vanguard in the software architecture realm – the Workshop on Automotive System/Software Architecture (WASA) seeks to amalgamate insights from both researchers and practitioners. We aspire that this confluence will not only spotlight novel research trajectories, challenges, and roadmaps but also foster enduring partnerships bridging academia and industry well beyond the workshop’s conclusion.

Call for Papers

The program committee of the 10th WASA edition seeks submissions of original and unpublished high-quality papers describing fundamental and applied research, new methods, approaches, and processes, novel applications, approaches for education and training in automotive system/software architecture, and experience reports on all topics related to software architecture including, but not limited to:

Types of Submissions

Submissions must follow the IEEE Computer Science proceedings format, as workshop proceedings will be published in ICSA 2024 Companion proceedings, and appear in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Papers need to be submitted electronically via EasyChair.

Important Dates

All dates are AoE.

Paper submission: February 18, 2024
Paper notification: March 17, 2024
Camera-ready workshop papers due: March 31, 2024
Workshop dates: June 4, 2024

Program (updated)

This year’s WASA will be in conjunction with FAACS 2024 (8th International Workshop on Formal Approaches for Advanced Computing Systems) and QUALIFIER 2024 (2nd International Workshop on Quality in Software Architecture)

Session Time Paper/Keynote
Morning 1 09:30 - 09:45 Opening
  09:45 - 10:30 Keynote: Evaluating Architectural Quality in the Cloud Era by Davide Taibi, University of Oulu
  10:30 - 10:55 MoCoRe - A Generic Model-Driven Composition and Rule-Based Refinement Framework by Moritz Gstür, Yves R. Kirschner, Snigdha Singh and Anne Koziolek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
  11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break
Morning 2 11:30 - 12:15 Keynote: Federate Software Defined Vehicle by Rutger van Beusekom, CTO Verum
  12:15 - 12:40 Comparing Programming Language Models for Design Pattern Recognition by Sushant Kumar Pandey, Miroslaw Staron, Jennifer Horkoff, Mirosław Ochodek, and Darko Durisic
  12:40 - 13:05 A MBSE framework for the design and analysis of complex automotive systems using SysML and PCE by Tirtha Kaloor and Ion Barosan
  13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break
Afternoon 1 14:00 - 14:30 Invited Talk: Complex system of systems and Digital Twins by Vinay Kulkarni, TCS Research, Pune, India
  14:30 - 15:00 Invited Talk: Two Approaches to V&V of Model Driven Embedded Software by Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti, International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, India
  15:00 - 15:25 Optimal Mapping of Workflows Using Serverless Architecture in a Multi-Cloud Environment by Manju Ramesh, Chetan Phalak, Dheeraj Chahal and Rekha Singhal, TCS Research, Mumbai, India
  15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
Afternoon 2 16:00 - 16:25 Towards Integration of Syntactic and Semantic Vulnerability Patterns (SHORT Paper) by Lal Akhter, Muhammad Taimoor Khan, George Loukas and Georgia Sakellari, University of Greenwich, UK
  16:25 - 16:50 A fair Endorser Selection mechanism using Ciphertext-policy Attribute-based Encryption in Hyperledger Fabric by Susmita Mandal, Balaraju P and Pranay Chawhan
  16:50 - 17:15 Refactoring of a Microservices Project driven by Architectural Smell Detection by Paolo Bacchiega, Davide Rusconi, Paolo Mereghetti and Francesca Arcelli Fontana, University of Milano - Bicocca and Tech Gap Italia s.r.l., Italy
  17:15 - 17:30 Closing


Organizing Committee

Stefan Kugele, Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt, Germany
Yanja Dajsuren, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Alessio Bucaioni, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden

Program Committee

Klaus Becker, Continental, Germany
Christian Berger, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Darko Durisic, Volvo Cars, Sweden
Thomas Galla, Elektrobit, Germany
Philipp Obergfell, BMW Group, Germany
Ramesh S, General Motors, USA
Miroslaw Staron, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Mark van den Brand, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Andreas Vogelsang, University of Cologne, Germany
Sujit Kumar Chakrabarti, IIIT-B (International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore), India
Aditya A. Paranjape, TCS Research, India
Elena Lisova, VCE, Sweden
Predrag Filipovikj, Scania, Sweden
